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Excel 2007 Multiplication Bug

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This is one of the best stories so far on this year. Slashdot has a story talking about an Excel 2007 multiplication bug. The funny part is that I ran to my brothers’ PC to try the bug, and it worked!! AHAHAHAHHAH

I loved the following comment on slashdot:

It is nice to see that since this is a free and open standard that the bug has been identified quickly and fixed. Oh wait, it isn’t and the bug is still at large. Sorry, jumped the gun there due to the speed at which the Open Source community usually fixes issues like this. Maybe ISO should take note.

MT Upgrade

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Yesterday I upgraded my Movable Type installation to version 4.01. They say that it corrects some security bugs, and turns the backend 1000x faster. Well so far, I didn’t notice any great speedup..

It seems that it corrected some bugs on a friends’ blog.

Makefile::Paralel on LNCS 4641 and DBLP

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I am really really really proud of having my first article published on a Springer Lecture Note on Computer Science. At the same time, it made me enter the DBLP database.

Makefile::Parallel is an excellent tool, and it gave me en opportunity to write a great article.

Thank you Alberto Simões and José João for this chance :)

  author    = {Alberto Sim{\~o}es and
               R{\'u}ben Fonseca and
               Jos{\'e} Jo{\~a}o Almeida},
  title     = {Makefile: : Parallel Dependency Specification Language},
  booktitle = {Euro-Par},
  year      = {2007},
  pages     = {33-41},
  ee        = {},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/europar/2007},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

  editor    = {Anne-Marie Kermarrec and
               Luc Boug{\'e} and
               Thierry Priol},
  title     = {Euro-Par 2007, Parallel Processing, 13th International Euro-Par
               Conference, Rennes, France, August 28-31, 2007, Proceedings},
  booktitle = {Euro-Par},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {4641},
  year      = {2007},
  isbn      = {978-3-540-74465-8},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

Protecting Your Domains’ Email With SPF

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Two days ago, I was playing with DNSStuff (, doing some checks on my domain “0x82”. One of the tests was about some SPF thing that I never heard about.

It told me someone could send an email from anywhere, and make it appear that it was send from my domain, making it legitimate (ok, I know that this doesn’t make my email secure by himself). It told me that the solution was a SPF thing.

I’ve started reading about it, and realized that, although it seems a big hack (what? using the TXT field of a domain to store data??), it could help and protect your email. For that I needed to change the TXT record of my domain (try dig TXT on your console).

Then, to make sure that the email I receive is tested against this specification, I had to configure my postfix SMTP server. If you search on google for “postfix spf debian” you will find nice tutorials on how to implement that. It was really simple!

Log, 6 Years and Counting

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This week, log, the company where I will start working on Monday, celebrated his 6th anniversary. It is marvelous to see a company that relies on open source technology growing this fast.

So, congratulations log! I and hope I can contribute for the your continuous success during the next year :-)