There’s no place like ::1

Catalyst Days

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Finally an event about Catalyst. I will attend as a speaker at the Catalyst Days in Braga, on 2 and 3 of November. It will be the first time APPP does an event like this, and I’m really pround to be part of the crew.

You can find all the info you want on the course website. At the same time, it is the first conference I will be sponsoring log. Yah!


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The Unit, Stargate Atlantis, Chuck, Eureka, Diggnation, The Simpsons, Heroes, Dexter…. all in the sudden :D

(that’s why I don’t have time to blog :D)

I’m an Engineer!

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lg_engineer _poster.jpg

Hello world! :D I’m an Engineer :D

I finally got my degree on Computer Science and Systems Engineering! My project was evaluated “excellent”!

You can find the project report here and the presentation slides here.

Now a nice picture from Google :D


Friday, Big Day

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On Friday, 28th September, I will be back to Braga to see some friends and defend my project that will give me the degree on Computer Science and Systems Engineering.


Greylisting on Postfix

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In my quest to the perfect SMTP server for my home network, I found the next big weapon against spammers: greylisting. You can read the description on Wikipedia so I’m not extend myself here.

The technical part, if you use Postfix, is that there is a package called postgrey (apt-get install postgrey) that integrates easily with Postfix to give you a truly greylisting experience. :)