There’s no place like ::1


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Today I received notification of acceptance of a small (and hugly) paper I co-authored a year ago.

The paper was about a concept we called WebPaper. It is like a “Peddy Paper”, but using the full power of the Internet to anwser tricky questions.

The best part is that the article is so ugly so ugly so ugly that I’m ashamed of publishing it! :D

Maybe I’ll try to review it before the camera-ready version. Stay tuned… ;)

My Code Hits Debian Repositories

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Now I’m a proud open source geek :)

My libnotify patch to hellanzb was incorporated into the 0.12 release.

Yesterday I saw that Debian unstable bumped the hellanzb package to last version 0.13, including for the first time my code on hellanzb :D I cannot believe Ubuntu is still lagging on this.

Anyway, it is a very good felling to thing that my code is now replicated over dozens of mirrors of free software around the world.

Really, I do love opensource. You should try it too :)


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Today I made a presentation about Makefile::Parallel on the fifth tech meeting. I used the same slides from previous presentations :P

TODO: Someday I will need to look at the TODO fileNOTTTTTT!

Slides attached :)

GCC Sucks

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I spent most of my day working on my CShare project.

Somewhere in the middle of the afternoon I’ve started having a problem: GCC keeps saying to me that a variable is unused. The code with the problem follows:

gint cshare_send(gchar *path, GIOChannel *channel) {
    gint ok = 0;
    struct stat file_info;

    if(!access(path, R_OK)) {
        /* path is a file */
        if(g_file_test(path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) {struct stat file_info;
            g_stat(path, &file_info);
            ok = cshare_send_file(path, file_info.st_size, channel);

The variable unused was file_info. I needed almost 1 hour to figure out the problem… Shame on me… Maybe you can do best :)