There’s no place like ::1

Makefile::Parallel Again

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Since the article about Makefile::Parallel was accepted at EuroPar, I never touched the software again.

Fortunately, it is been working since then without too many problems. However, there are a bunch of new features that we thought we could include in the distribution. So lately I have been spending some time doing small hackathons adding the features and correcting some bugs.

You can expect a new release on CPAN very soon :-)

Pam_mount and Cron

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Just a note…

If after installing and configuring pam_mount you start hitting problems with your cron (cron segfaults everytime) remove pam_mount.

I don’t understand why this happened and I really don’t want to know. I spent 30 precious minutes hacking GDB just to see that the problem was on pam_mount…

Pam_mount + LUKS + Dm_crypt = €

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If you know me, I use LUKS for a long time. But there was always one thing that kept annoying me: it was not cool, every time I rebooted my computer, to go the the console and manually mount my encrypted hard drives.

I discovered today that there was already a solution: pam-mount. It is a nice PAM module that allows one to have automatically mounted the encrypted devices as soon as you enter your username/password do access your system.

I installed it on Ubuntu (apt-get install libpam-mount) and did a little bit of hacking on /etc/pam.d/common-session and /etc/security/pammount. What impressed me the most is that it worked like a charm on my first attempt! Now I can boot on my computer and GDM, and just put my username and password to access my box!

Of course you need an excellent user password because your hard-drive security depends on his strength.

Fun With Perl

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Try this on your Linux box!

sudo perl -MAudio::Beep -e 'beep(21 + 9998, 3000) while 1'

Pretty annoying huh? :D

Now for something completely different:

use Audio::Beep;

my $beeper = Audio::Beep->new();
my $music = "g' f bes' c8 f d4 c8 f d4 bes c g f2";
$beeper->play( $music );

Audio::Beep is really a great Perl module! :)

Quicksilver Linux Clone

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Today I discovered that I’m addicted to Katapult, an application specially designed to provide quick and easy access to applications, bookmarks, music and more.

Unfortunately, it’s a KDE (QT) application. This means that using it on GNOME makes your system load and mantain in memory many KDE libraries just for a small application.

Today I asked myself “are there a similar application to GNOME?”. Some seconds later Google got me the solution: GNOME Launch Box.

This application works great! I don’t know if it was just for me, but I had to configure manually the shortcut to fire the gnome launch box. I used the instructions here.

Hope you like it too!