There’s no place like ::1

Run a Code Block Periodically With Ruby

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Following a personal project I’m doing involving processes running over weeks, I stumbled upon some code that allows you to run a block of code in a separate thread in Ruby, every n seconds.

This works great, as expected, and Ruby made my day :-)

New Blog Engine… AGAIN!

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Yesterday I change my blog engine.. AGAIN!

This time I’m using the great and powerful Perl based Movable Type blog engine. One of the things that attracted me the most is that MT4 generates your blog in a static way, so almost all the blog frontend is served directly by my HTTP server.

This now means I can resist a little bit more to a slashdot attack :)

For those who read my blog through RSS, I’ve instructed my HTTP server to redirect the old feed URL to the new one, so it should work without making any changes. Wish me luck :)

The Number 23

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Yesterday I watched the movie The number 23. I love the history. It captures your attention all the way until the end of the movie. On the other hand, it’s cool to see Jim Carrey doing serious movies, not just “stupid” comic stuff. Anyway, good movie, I definitely recommend it.

PS – Today I was having lunch at a local Pizza restaurant. When I receive the receipt from my order, I looked at the time stamp: “13:10” :D 13+10 = 23.. Oh god.. It is starting…..