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Two More Contributions to the Open Source World

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quick post to let you know my latest two mini-projects on github:

Ruby library to service API is a wonderful service to shorten URLs. They have a public API, and I wrote this library that allows you to use the service in the middle of any Ruby script.

The project is available here. It is compatible with Ruby 1.9 and JRuby, and contains a full RSpec test suite.

newzbin XMPP search agent

After spending some time learning XMPP, I decided to try it and build something useful. So I hacked a simple search agent for the newzbin website to be used by me and my friends. It is poorly written, but it works.

Maybe you can learn something from the simple example. In case you’re interested, the code is available again on github. It uses the XMPP4R gem and CouchDB (overkill, I know).

Feel free to comment on any of the code and send me suggestions on how to improve it.
